Find Your Student Representative

We speak your language. Our admissions managers are here to assist prospective and current students alike. They will guide you through the admissions process, help you with the necessary documents, and ease your transition to living in the United States. Our representatives assist our students with all things big and small, from immigration procedures to airport pickup. We can help you find a place to live, apply for a driver’s license, and organize your travel. LiveChat with one of them now, or leave us a message.

Ken Noojui
Los Angeles, Senior Administrative Manager
Thailand, Southeast Asia
Ken Noojui
Los Angeles, Senior Administrative Manager
Thailand, Southeast Asia
Language: Thai
Phone: (213) 384-4123

เคน หนูจุ้ย เกิดและเติบโต ที่ประเทศไทย เขาย้ายมาอยู่ที่ แคลิฟอร์เนียใน ปี 2004 เคน เป็นคนไทย และเป็น ผู้จัดการฝ่ายบริหาร ซึ่งมีความผิดชอบดูแล เกี่ยวกับฝ่ายบริหารทั้งสามสาขา เขาทำงานที่ LASC มามากกว่า 12 ปี เขาได้รับประกาศนียบัตรการตลาดจาก UCLA extension และ MBA จาก University of La Verne

Ken Noojui is a native Thai speaker and was born and raised in Thailand before moving to California in 2004. He serves as LASC’s Administrative Manager responsible for overseeing student admissions across three campuses. He has been working with LASC for over 12 years. He has received a certificate in Marketing from UCLA extension as well as an M.B.A. from the University of La Verne.

Fannie Fang
Rowland Heights, Administrative Manager / Curriculum Instructor
Korea, Southeast Asia
Fannie Fang
Rowland Heights, Administrative Manager / Curriculum Instructor
Korea, Southeast Asia
Language: Korean & Chinese
Phone: (626) 810-2003

패니쌤은 조선족가정에서 자라 어릴적부터 중국어와 한국어를 해왔고 영어에도 남다른 흥미를 느꼈습니다. 중국에서 한국어국문학과 학사졸업, SUNY at Buffalo에서 TESOL석사학위 취득, 현재 4년차 LASC 아시아파트 학생담당. 패니쌤은 그녀만의 열정과 긍정적인 마인드로 때론 친구처럼 배움에 대한 자신감을 실어주고 때론 선생님이 되어 진로를 설계해주는, 항상 학생들을 위해 고민하는 전문가로 성장하고 있습니다.

Fannie is of Korean-Chinese descent and speaks both languages fluently. She has a bachelor’s degree in Korean Language and Literature from Minzu University of China, Beijing, and also obtained a Master’s degree in TESOL from SUNY, Buffalo. She has been working with LASC for 6 years. As a tri-lingual speaker, she’s able to offer her assistance to a wide array of students. With a background in English language teaching and education, she is better able to mentor students in regard to academic plans, and guide them through any personal issues as well. Fannie likes cooking and editing pictures and videos. She makes a lot of advertising materials for the school.

Vinicius Martins
Los Angeles, Admissions Manager
Vinicius Martins
Los Angeles, Admissions Manager
Language: Portuguese
Phone: (213) 384-4123

Vinicius nasceu em São Paulo, Brasil, mudou-se para Los Angeles em 2012. Sua língua nativa é o português e ele estuda espanhol para se tornar fluente no idioma. Ele trabalha com estudantes internacionais há mais de 6 anos, ele orienta todo o processo e auxilia os alunos a terem uma boa experiência na LASC. Ele adora viajar pelo mundo e já visitou a América do Norte, América do Sul, Europa e Ásia. Ele também se interessa pela produção musical e sabe tocar diversos instrumentos.

Vinicius is from Sao Paulo, Brazil, and moved to Los Angeles in 2012. His native language is Portuguese and he is currently studying Spanish to become an advanced speaker. He has been working with international students for over 6 years and he will guide the students throughout the whole process to provide the best experience at LASC. He is passionate about traveling around the world and has visited North America, South America, Europe, and Asia. He’s also interested in music production and he can play multiple instruments.

Sayaka Shindo
Irvine, Admissions Manager
Japan, Europe, Russia
Sayaka Shindo
Irvine, Admissions Manager
Japan, Europe, Russia
Language: Japanese
Phone: (949) 756-0321


Sayaka Shindo is a Japanese native born and raised in Yokosuka, Japan. Upon graduating high school, she moved to Southern California to attend California State University, Long Beach. Her experience as an international student has given her the opportunity to better understand what it takes to assimilate to a new environment. Sayaka advises students from Japan, Korea, Turkey, Africa, and Europe. As a student representative at LASC, Sayaka assists students with enrollment, matters of immigration, and counselling. She has six years of experience as a conversation instructor in both the U.S. and Japan as well as four years as a school advisor.

Grace Sun
Irvine, Admissions Manager
Grace Sun
Irvine, Admissions Manager
Language: Chinese
Phone: (949) 756-0321

Grace 的母语是中文, 她主修经济学,毕业于加州大学欧文分校。 自2018年起,她在LASC担任学生顾问一职,负责中文学生的招生、入学和学业咨询。

Grace is a native Mandarin speaker. She majored in Economics and graduated from the University of California, Irvine. As an Admissions Manager, she oversees admission, enrollment and academic counseling for Chinese speaking students. Grace has been working and helping students at LASC since 2018.

Miki Wang
Los Angeles, Admissions Manager
Miki Wang
Los Angeles, Admissions Manager
Language: Chinese
Phone: (213) 384-3987

Miki 来自中国北京,说普通话。 她毕业于加州州立大学北岭分校,并拥有大众传播硕士学位。 Miki 已经在 LASC 工作了将近 5 年。 她喜欢旅行和结交新朋友。她美丽又有亲和力的笑容总会感染周围的人,拉近和学生的距离,让他们能像朋友一样交谈。

Miki speaks Mandarin and comes from Beijing, China. She graduated from California State University, Northridge, and has a Master’s degree in Mass Communication. Miki has been working with LASC for almost 5 years now. She likes traveling and making new friends. Her beautiful smile makes people feel comfortable and students talk to her like a friend.

Lina Li
Rowland Heights, Admissions Manager
Lina Li
Rowland Heights, Admissions Manager
Language: Chinese
Phone: (626) 810-9824


Lina is a native Chinese Mandarin speaker, who comes from China. She was engaged in international trade for many years and traveled all over Europe and America. She has been working in the international education industry for 7 years. As a professional consultant, she helped a lot of international students with the school admissions, visa applications, and college/university transfer processes.