Our Core ESL program consists of six levels from A1 for beginners, up to C1 for advanced learners in accordance with the International Standards of English Proficiency.
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Our Core ESL program consists of six levels from A1 for beginners, up to C1 for advanced learners in accordance with the International Standards of English Proficiency. There is no minimum proficiency requirement to enter our program. Each main level course is 12 weeks long and the entire program can be completed in 1.5 years. Upon completion of certain levels, students may be granted acceptance to colleges and universities around southern California, such as Santa Monica College, Irvine Valley College, and West Los Angeles College. To explore the full list and begin planning your higher education, head over to our Pathway to College page.
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Our Cambridge based curriculum focuses on the acquisition of the most commonly used English words, expressions, and grammatical structures.
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Our Cambridge based curriculum focuses on the most commonly used English words, expressions, and grammatical structures. Our curriculum is heavily e-based and integrates online workbooks, score tracking, and mobile apps to provide the extra support needed to study English. LASC is also one of the first ESL schools to introduce virtual reality instruction within its curriculum, which gives students a real-life experience that goes beyond the four walls of our classrooms. Download our Course Offerings for more details. Students can take classes to develop the skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The ESL program also offers students classes targeting pronunciation, grammar, and idioms. Our Business English program is effective for students looking to develop their professional and business English skills. The English for Academic Purposes program (EAP) enables students to confidently excel at college level English.
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In addition to one Core ESL course, students enroll in two elective classes to practice particular English skills: pronunciation, listening, speaking, conversation, reading, or writing.
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In addition to one Core ESL course, students enroll in two elective classes to practice particular English skills: pronunciation, listening, speaking, conversation, reading, or writing. We also offer combined electives focusing on two skills at once. Because our elective classes are meant to improve students’ individual weaknesses, each student is assessed by skill and is permitted to take electives that are slightly above or below their main level. In our speaking and listening classes students have the opportunity to create speeches, give presentations, and interact in discussions and debates. Students can test their listening through lectures and native-English conversations. Our reading and writing classes help students build their skills from the ground up. In reading, students will be able to move from reading short paragraphs, to read in depth news stories and academic articles. Writing classes offer the chance for students to build their skills from short narrative works to full-blown academic level essays. Download a sample Course Schedule.
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Private tutoring is available to all students. LASC works with each student’s schedule to create an individualized learning plan.
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Private tutoring is available to all students. LASC works with each student’s schedule to create an individualized learning plan. student’s schedule to create an individualized learning plan. Students have utilized private tutoring to achieve personal goals, such as writing a resume or cover letter for a job application, applying to universities, and practicing workplace English. Others have used their lessons to help improve their grades in their main courses, and some have even used private classes for music lessons in English, where they study lyrics and pronunciation with our extremely talented faculty. Students can schedule private tutoring on a one-to-one basis or as part of a small group. LASC Senior Teachers also offer two classes of additional instruction on Fridays to further support our students.
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To accommodate students with work or family obligations, our ESL program is offered three times a day and students have the option to take classes in the morning, afternoon, or evenings.
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To accommodate students with work or family obligations, our ESL program is offered three times a day and students have the option to take classes in the morning, afternoon, or evenings. Classes are offered Monday-Thursday and total 18 hours per week. See a sample Course Schedule for exact times. Additionally, students with extraordinarily busy lives may arrange for supplemental, private, or small group classes at a time of their choosing.
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Each student is assigned an Admissions Manager to provide academic support and direction.
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Each student is assigned an Admissions Manager to provide academic support and direction. Our representatives provide one-on-one assistance to students to help them create a plan to achieve their goals. Each representative has efficiently guided ESL students on their paths towards higher education, successful job opportunities, and improved TOEFL scores. Our admissions representatives go above and beyond when it comes to being a resource for students. They can often be seen aiding students in: filling out applications, finding new housing, selecting the best restaurant for a date, and even interpreting official paperwork, such as medical documents and laws. We also provide weekly office hours with our Head Teachers who can assist students with academic planning, professional ambitions, course enrollment, or any other academic-related questions. Should students need additional help in their classes, they can schedule free private lessons with each campuses’ Head Teacher. This extra one-on-one help often provides the boost students need to take their English to the next level.
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